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Our Photographers

Our fleet of professional photographers are the best in the business - experienced, vetted, background-checked, screened in person by our [fresh]photos team, and chosen for their excellence. Our skilled professionals use state-of-art equipment, have great customer service, and always ready to capture your moments. We take care of them so they can take care of you. 

Photographer of the Month

Meet Vasilis Chevalier
Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada
4 years in photography
Age 30


Mr. Chevalier started photography by trading in his car for his first DSLR: a Nikon D90. He quickly fell in love with the creative capabilities that digital photography enable him to achieve. Over the past 4 years, Vasilis had the great opportunity to hone his skills through and Photography has opened numerous windows of opportunity and he is committed to giving back those same opportunities to help

local photographers. [fresh]photos is proud to name Vasilis "Photographer of the Month." Check out some of his artwork below! 


Our commitment is to support, showcase and connect 

local photographers to new opportunities

join the team

Join the Team



Are you a professional photographer? Love helping people capture moments? Want flexible hours? Join the [fresh]photos team today!

[ benefits ]


Access to new clients

Discounted studio rental

Showcase your artwork on a local and national platform

Flexible work hours

Join a community of professional photographers

Access Training and Workshop



[ requirements ]


We select nothing but the best photographers around! We have a 7 -14 day vetting process. Click here to learn about some of our standard requirements for our photographers. All photographers must be at least 18 years of age and pass a criminal

background check

earn money ]


Make more money, so you can focus more time on creating. As a [fresh]photo photographer you have the opportunity to make up to $70 per hour. We also reward our photographers for high-quality work, customer reviews, dedication, and excellence.

fellows program

Our Fellowship Program

learn ]


Our team is committed to excellence.

We created the Fellows Program with a simple mission, to connect local students to our photographers.

[ earn ]


The Fellowship Program provide students the opportunity to earn experience in the field of photography, learn from experienced photographers, and earn money.

[ build ]


Our goal is to build a better pipeline to opportunities for students. Making the transition from student to profession as easy as possibe and help young photographers build a portflio. 

Our Core Values

Tell A Story. Progress with Passion.

Remove filters and center your [subject] ( Customer Service, Simplify)

Build & Form New Friendships (Work together)

Expand your field of view (Open-Minded)

Look for New Angles (Innovation)

Compose fun and adventure

Take the Extra Shot (Customer Service)

0  to 100 (Productivity)

Focus on Every pixel (High-quality)


 Become a [FRESH]PHOTOS photographer today.

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